Our first iOS 14 release brings major enhancements to ProCamera’s Video Mode
Video is becoming increasingly popular and with v14.0 we introduce a whole set of advanced features so you can film like a pro: manual controls, external microphone support, stereo sound, a brand new video info panel, and more…

Record professional videos with custom values for exposure time and ISO! Like in our Photo mode, switch from Auto to M-Mode in the control panel to enable manual exposure controls and manual white balance. When M-Mode is active, you only need to tap the exposure time or ISO display in the top bar to enable swipe dials for both values.
Info: When switching from M to Auto-Mode, dual and triple lens devices make use of the fusion camera. This allows you to switch lenses even while recording.

Everything at a glance: the brand new display panel in Video mode shows all relevant capture information directly in the viewfinder – such as resolution, frame rate, recording time, audio levels, microphone input, battery status, and remaining disk space.
Info: You can customize the appearance of the display panel by selecting one of the three available On-Screen-Display Modes in the control panel. “Standard” shows the full panel, “Medium” uses a more compact version, and “Light” hides the panel altogether.
Support for external microphones means you are not limited to the built-in microphones when recording videos. This includes microphones connected via lightning cable as well as bluetooth microphones like Apple AirPods or Instamic. When ProCamera detects a microphone connected via lightning cable, it will be used preferentially. Disconnect mics connected via lightning cable and activate Bluetooth in the control panel in Video mode in order to connect to a bluetooth microphone.
Info: When using AirPods in combination with ProCamera, they won’t deactivate when you take them out of your ears. This special feature allows you to use AirPods as tiny remote microphones, for instance for interviews or recording faint ambient noises from a close distance.
Now you can record videos with stereo sound (iPhone 11 and up) – because we think great audio quality is essential for professional videography.

Our newly designed widget has been optimized for the new iOS 14 home screen. To add the widget to your home screen, tap and hold an empty spot on one of the pages then tap the “+” button” in the top left corner of the screen. In the iOS 14 widget list, you will find ProCamera with a current selection of two different widget sizes.
Info: You can tap the smaller square widget on your home screen to quickly launch ProCamera. The larger widget offers five camera mode icons, so you can swiftly start ProCamera in any of those. The order of camera modes displayed in the widget depends on the order of modes you are using inside the app. To customize the order, open the camera mode selector on the capture screen and swipe all the way to the right.

We take privacy very seriously. That’s why we have incorporated a new option for limited library access. In gallery view, you will notice a new icon in the top bar if you chose “Select Photos…” instead of “Allow Access to All Photos” when first starting the app after updating to iOS 14. This button allows you to easily update your custom selection of photos and videos which can be accessed via ProCamera. You can determine the access to photos for each app at any time via iOS Settings > App Name > Photos.
We are pleased to now offer official support for iOS 14. In addition to that, this version includes various smaller advancements and behind the scenes enhancements.
This update opened up a whole new area for iPhone videography. If you have any concrete feature suggestions (semi-automatic shutter priority mode for videos? support for multiple bluetooth microphones?) please let us know. We are always happy to incorporate user requested features if they benefit a significant group of users. In order for us to consider new features, it’s very helpful that we can learn about the envisioned use case (how does it work? why do you need it? where can you access the feature inside the app?).
As with all new releases, if you find a bug or have a question then please let us know via in-app support or email us at support@procamera-app.com.
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