To bring the picture into focus … ProCamera has launched a blog for our customers (over 1 million downloads and growing!) and those tens of millions of iPhone/iPad/iPod mobile camera users who will soon become new ProCamera fans. Our blog will compliment our company website and deliver the latest news/info and provide a platform for “pro” and “hobbyist” photographers alike to share their ProCamera experiences.
We will soon be posting more information and articles which highlight different “how to use” ideas and “best use” practices for ProCamera, iCademy and forthcoming apps and upgrades. Be sure to bookmark our site and subscribe to our feed.
Whether you are a new ProCamera user or professional photographer, we’d like to hear from you. Really! Please send us an e-mail if you’d like to add a post or author a more in depth article for our blog. All that we ask is that your content have relevance to your experience/use of ProCamera or other applications.