Get ready for the sunny season: In the next couple of weeks, we will provide you with inspirational photographs, travel stories and trip tips.
Get ready for the sunny season: In the next couple of weeks, we will provide you with inspirational photographs, travel stories and trip tips.
PROCAMERA Version 6.2 is offering something for everyone: Remote Trigger for users of the Apple Watch, intervalometer functionality for photo series, advanced high frame rate video recording and customizable camera mode selector.
Nobody wants to come back home from a trip and find shaky photos on his device. We…
Among all the excitements of iPhone 5 announcements, Cocologics’ CEO Jens Daemgen is in San Francisco to release the update of ProCamera HD, the first full-featured camera app for iPad. The launch price-drop for ProCamera HD will continue for a limited time.
Cocologics, the ProCamera team, is pleased to release ProCamera HD for iPad. It lets users get the most out of their iPad camera for both photos and videos!