What’s New in ProCamera v14.2 – ProRAW Capture and Editing
ProRAW Capture and Editing: The innovative new format combines sophisticated computational photography processes with the acclaimed flexibility of RAW photos…
ProRAW Capture and Editing: The innovative new format combines sophisticated computational photography processes with the acclaimed flexibility of RAW photos…
The new iPhone 12 Pro was released today and we took it for a first test drive. Finally getting to test ProCamera on a brand new iPhone is always exciting – and this year’s release doesn’t disappoint!
For those of you getting ready for a Friday night on the town, then you should listen to Apple and choose ProCamera as your camera app of choice!
We’re excited to announce the winner of our first ever Night Photography Contest to celebrate the release of ProCamera 3.8.
Cocologics, the development team behind ProCamera app, has just launched a new QR/Datamatrix code reader — Barcode app! This new app can quickly/easily scan codes and send data directly to your iPhone.
The trendiest new tech toy may soon be wearable computer glasses from Google that augment the wearer’s reality via the power of the Web. These high tech specs would allow users to access tools such as Google Maps, Video Chat and enables the capture (yes, it takes pictures) and sharing of photos and videos with friends on Google+.
Continuing their recent photo-sharing binge, Facebook today revealed that they have ‘assimilated’ the management team of Lightbox. The London-based photo-sharing site and camera app Lightbox, targets Android devices and HTML 5, while Facebook’s newest toy, Instagram, is primarily aimed at iOS (iPhones/iPads) and only recently launched an Android version. It is likely that Facebook will ask the Lightbox team to continue along their Android development path.
A recent New York Times article — Apple Loophole Gives Developers Access to your Photos, highlighted an iOS privacy concern that ProCamera would like to address.
As reported several days ago, the venerable Eastman Kodak has been in a downward financial…