Renowned photographer and world traveler, Teri Lou Dantzler, finds a way to capture the beauty and cultural niceties of the people and places she visits. She recently had her passport stamped in Iceland, Nepal, and South East Asia and applied her iPhoto artistry in each land.
Teri Lou has embraced iPhoneography and now exclusively uses iOS apps to process her images. One of her missions is to show that it’s possible to capture and create truly amazing photographs with an iPhone (simplicity and portability) without the need to use a computer or other expensive ‘non iOS’ software.
For aspiring iPhotographers, Teri Lou is hosting a series of online classes and a forthcoming 4-Day iPhone/iPad iPhoneography workshop in Napa – April 5, 2012, which will be co-instructed with Harry Sandler.
Teri Lou shares many of her lessons, tips and images via her blog– iPhoneography with Teri Lou and in a March 5, post, she outlined several of her ‘favorite’ apps, including ProCamera:
The application ProCamera is my ‘go to‘ camera. It captures a 4:3 aspect ratio. The below image was taken with it. There are several features included with this camera that the default camera in the iPhones doesn’t have.