While we are working on something big, ProCamera v15.3 already brings handy workflow improvements to the album
In the album, you can now view the file name in our metadata viewer, share selected versions, batch export RAW files – and we also added new video zoom speeds, a Stream mode refinement as well as fresh new app icons

You can now also see the actual file name of a photo or video in our super handy EXIF metadata viewer. When viewing a single photo or video, tap the i button at the top to see all the important capture information – like capture date, file size, camera settings, etc.

If there are multiple versions of a photo (e.g. RAW+JPG), you can select one specific version in the EXIF viewer or via version selector. New: The version you select will be used for sharing when tapping the iOS share button (arrow up icon).
The screenshot shows a photo with an edited version, so it’s basically two photos in one entry in your camera roll: the original full 12 MP JPEG + a slightly modified and cropped edited version. You can switch between both images either by tapping the corresponding row in the EXIF viewer or by opening the version selector in the bottom left corner. This is a great help when you want to compare the edited version with the original photo. The edited version is indicated by an asterisk (JPG*) in the version selector.
You can now share RAW and ProRAW photos processed as JPEG instead of the original DNG files. You can also resize and remove geotags when sharing as JPEG.
Tip: Long press the iOS share button in our album (arrow up icon, bottom left) to open the powerful share menu. This menu enables you to share a modified version of a photo (or video) without altering the original on your iPhone.

We have added a new settings option for different zoom speeds while filming. Some users asked for very sudden zooms while others wanted even smoother zoom transitions. Go to Settings > Video-Zoom to select your preferred speed setting (Fast, Standard, Slow).
Please note that the zoom speed setting only applies when filming, you won’t experience the different speeds in the viewfinder before you tap record.
Feedback wanted: We want to improve the zoom control in video mode even further. If you have a suggestion, be sure to sign-up for our newsletter. There will be a survey on this topic soon.
When you connect your iPhone to an external display you are able to share your ProCamera screen. In standard Photo mode, the whole capture screen and all the visible UI will be shared – it’s basically mirroring what you see on your iPhone. In our dedicated “Stream” mode only the live viewfinder image without any interface will be streamed.
New: Stream mode always shared a live feed in portrait orientation in the past. Starting with this update, you can now also share your viewfinder image in landscape orientation when you hold the iPhone that way.
Tip: When you share or record your ProCamera screen for educational purposes (live workshops, online courses, etc.) our Presentation mode comes in handy. Once activated via Settings > Advanced Settings > Presentation Mode all screen interactions like taps and swipes are highlighted on the screen.
Customize the ProCamera app icon on your iPhone with one of our fresh new styles (Settings > App Icon).
As with all new updates, if you have any questions, suggestions, or find a bug, then please let us know via in-app support or email us at support@procamera-app.com.
Every single new or refreshed review is much appreciated. Thank you!
If you’d like to support our development, please help spread the word and consider leaving a review in the App Store: https://review.procamera-app.com