TNW names ProCamera as a top iPhoto app
TNW Apps just named their Best Photography Apps for iPhone, and ProCamera is at the…
TNW Apps just named their Best Photography Apps for iPhone, and ProCamera is at the…
The video clip below offers a short but effective demo of how to use ProCamera,…
“For the last several weeks, I’ve downloaded over a dozen camera and video apps for the iPhone, and though each has something unique to offer, I was particularly interested in finding the most practical camera app that would address the limitations of Apple’s built-in camera app. As of this week, I think I’ve found it – Jens Daemgen’s ProCamera.”
Do you reside in Northern California and have an interest in learning iPhotography from A to Z? Talented iPhonegraphers Teri Lou Dantzler and co-instructor Harry Sandler are delivering a 4-day iPhone/iPad iPhoneography workshop in Napa on April 5th, 2012. For more info, please visit The Last Pixel Show.
The team over at The Daily App Show recently posted a hands on “how to…
Renowned photographer and world traveler, Teri Lou Dantzler, finds a way to capture the beauty…
Today’s ProCamera shot of the day comes from Clay Benskin a.k.a. Butch the iPhoneographer. Photo taken on February 24, 2012 using an Apple iPhone 4S.
A recent New York Times article — Apple Loophole Gives Developers Access to your Photos, highlighted an iOS privacy concern that ProCamera would like to address.
Will Apple take iPhotography to a new level with revolutionary camera technology? Thats the question…
There has been considerable interest and discussion surrounding national mandates in Japan and South Korea, where authorities require camera manufacturers (Apple included) to disable “mute” functions when applied to camera usage, and to effectively keep the shutter noise fully audible. In certain surroundings, the shutter sound is too loud for the sensitivities of many iPhoneographers. Read more about the “camera noise” controversy and problems with > clandestine voyeurogrphy.